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“Completely renovating school (Lawrence Elementary School) over several years while school is in session is not an easy task. That the project was completed without an incident involving students, staff and visitors, and within budget is a testament to AM Design’s dedication and commitment to your charge”.
Sally Boske, Chair of Middletown Board of Education,

Middletown, Connecticut.

"AM Design has the unique ability to input information received from a myriad of sources that have a stake in a given project and produce a design concept that meets the needs of the majority while at the same time being creative, cost effective, and functional".

Kendell J. Jackson, Director of Facilities

Middletown Public Schools, Connecticut.

"Hi all:The review at the Bureau of School Facilities went very well yesterday morning. In fact, the state reviewer, Mark Pappas, made a point of stopping me after the meeting to tell me what a great job Adam and his team did on the preparation of the documents. This is unusual as the reviewers are very thorough and cover all minor details. They typically find something that needs revisions. I wanted you to know this about our team and their efforts ....... I am looking forward to working with all of you on this project."

Kathleen Binkowski, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools

Plainville, Connecticut.

"It is without reservation that I tender to you my highest personal recommendation regarding Adam Kornafel and AM Design Architects, Inc. I am confident that should you select AM Design for your project, you will have no regrets that you will have a successful project brought to fruition on time and within budget".
Kendell J. Jackson, Chairman of Building Committee
Cromwell, Connecticut.

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